Comment on Coconut Oil Kills Candida by Normal Admin
I personally noted similar results. My plantar fasciitis went away after consuming coconut oil for 5 days. Comment on Coconut Oil Kills Candida by Johnny
I have been using coconut oil for about a year and my arthritis is way less. I put it in coffee, like you say Comment on Diatomaceous Earth Health Benefits by Normal Colon
Exactly, DE offers a wide range of health benefits that almost anyone can take advantage of. There aren't many products that are this inexpensive, available, and effective. Comment on Diatomaceous Earth Health Benefits by Erik
Its great to see old things coming back to help us out. We have everything we need right directly from the Earth. Battling with fungal overgrowth which is part due to heavy metals and part poor intestinal flora. Something like this product can help allot of people at a fraction of the cost of going to a M.D. And the best part is stuff like this actually works.